camera movements

Camera Movements

Crane Down: leads you into the story of the scene.

Crane Up: Gives you a feeling of how small the character is to the obstacle he/she must face.

Crane High to Low Angle: Makes the character look powerful and give fear.

Handheld Camera: give a feeling of uneasiness or danger to the viewer.

Quick Pan: Can change the emotion in a scene almost all at once revealing a obstacle the character must face.

Quick Push In: Creates surprised or shocked emotion

Slow Dolly In: Creates tension and gets us more intimate with the character.

Slow Dolly Out: Looks emotionally lost or abandoned.

Dolly Across: Reveals action or changing emotion during a scene.

Glidecam Camera: Felling epic, edgy, and stressful.

Glidecam 360 Reveal: Gives you the feeling something is about to happen.

Zolly: Dolly with a zoom, creates an overwhelming emotional feel.


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