Takashi Murakami

Image result for takashi murakamiTakashi Murakami was born February 1st 1962 in Tokyo Japan. His mother studied needle point and designed textiles. His mothers studies helped give Murakami interest in art. The nuclear bombings and US presence in Japan was a large inspiration for his work.

Image result for takashi murakamiMurakami uses layering in his work. This is shown in a lot of his work. He draws one thing but keeps drawing more onto the picture anywhere. Sometimes over something he just drew. Takashi is well known for his use of layering in his art.

Image result for takashi murakamiI chose to research Takashi because his work stood out to me from the rest. It can be complicated yet simple. And honestly it's just cool to look at. Thats why i chose to research Murakami

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