End of Marking Period Post Reflection

Last week we have looked at everyone's progress over the last marking period. I wrote down what inspired me and taught me how to improve my own projects. Here are 5 people I have written about.

Lance -
Lance spent his time working on taking his theme of destiny and putting it into action. He came up with a theme and he knew how he wanted to work with it
I can learn from Lance's work by how he's going by his theme, and how I could design by a theme instead of just doing what I think is cool.

Toby - 
Toby has spent his time creating an animation combining anime and Star Wars. He has been working on rigging and perspective so far. his hybridity of anime and movies have inspired me.                        Image result for jotaro vs dio manga
I can learn from Toby's work by integrating his use of perspective into my camera angles. I can also learn by trying to come up with ideas on how to have hybridity in my work.

Brady - 
Brady has spent his time testing and learning blender 2.8. He spent the time learning by sculpting a head. 
I can learn from this by learning how to use blender 2.8 and using that to model. I can also learn sculpting by looking at how Brady worked on his.

Allen -
Allen has spent his time animating a swordsman from the tang dynasty. much like me modeling military grade weapons, but animating them.
I can learn from Allen because his work is kinda like mine and i can look at it for pointers. 

Carey - 
Carey has spent his time working in 2d modeling, and thats what inspired me into looking into Carey's work. Carey's 2d modeling a story that looks into feelings like love and sadness.
I can learn from Carey's work how to implicate emotion into my work. My models are just that, models. They can have potential to emit feelings when you see them. I want to be able to give emotion off when people see my work. 


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