Work Log 2/9

Over the weekend I watched Revenge of the Sith like I told myself I would, but it turned out I had a lot of spare time so I decided to just watch the entire prequel trilogy for voice lines. Watching these movies gave me some good out of context things that I could edit in for comedic effect. Over the week I changed a lot of scenes to make it more funny.
 I've mostly gotten scenes with dialogue. I still need to put a lot more work into the light saber fight.I got some ideas from Brady and Toby on how to edit some parts that I was stuck on. With their Ideas I can expand on them to put my own twist to it. With all of this I had enough ideas
 to work consecutively throughout the week. At the end of the week I had gotten a lot of dialogue scenes edited and done. Next week I have the light saber fight to edit.


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