Work Log 9/27

Since I have some big boy boots to fill I figured that I needed to step up my modeling game. I decided that since at the end of last year I was looking into different modeling programs. I thought It'd be fitting to do it again!!! okay but seriously, I decided that since what we mostly have concept art for maps I would go through a quick little Unity tutorial. And when I say quick I mean I spent like a week doing it. It actually wasn't that bad once I got the hang of it. The only thing that messed me up a little was learning the mapping. Because the last time I did maps to this extent was like 2 years ago in animation. And I remembered that about as well as a goldfish with Alzheimer's, so that was fun getting back into that. 

EDIT: I just realized that I was supposed to look into themes and concepts I would look into this year, but I kind of mentioned that in my last post. And in good spirit I'm just gonna rephrase it in this one!
So as I said before I joined some friends in making video games, so my themes might generally change to fit the game I'm working on due to the fact I'm not the writer or concept artist. I'm hoping you wont be too mad about it not always being the same. If you're really unhappy with that and find it horrible and a disgrace to society then just tell me and I'll try to figure something out. Because if it really comes down to it I could probably just try to separate this from school and do something entirely different for this class. I really hope it doesn't come down to that, but if it has to be done, it has to be done. 
So for a theme this year It would be either extremely vague or just changing a lot compared to what I'm working on, or all of that is thrown out the window for me to do on only my time and I come up with a specific theme to work on for the year. (which would probably end up somehow making my sleep schedule even worse. Which is already an extremely rare achievement on its own. so please don't do that for the sake of my social life and physical wellbeing). but that's besides the point. 


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