Work Log 12/13

     This week I didn't get a lot of time to do any work because I've been helping my brother with everything after his surgery. He just got his ACL replaced, so he can't really go anywhere or get up at all. Hopefully you don't mind that this log might be a bit shorter because of it. 

    For this week I have just been working on general assets for games. Surprisingly the most annoying and time consuming asset to make was a crate. Yes... You read that right. A literal box.

    The reason this box was so difficult to deal with was because of the edges and braces. The edges were easier than the braces because I was able to just put another cube inside the larger cube and extrude edges. The main problem were the braces, the braces were so excruciatingly time consuming because I didn't have an easy method to make the braces and completely replicate them on all 6 sides. This made it so I would have to duplicate the sides, separate them to different objects, Align the braced side perfectly with the plain side, use a Boolean modifier to combine the side into the box, delete the extra verts that decided to show up against my will, and then repeat the process for every side.

    The last asset I worked on was a lot more simple which was a shipping crate, so basically all I had to to was resize the normal sized crate I'd been working on. The only reason I haven't finished it yet is because the door to the shipping crate looks different to the sides.


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