End of Marking Period 2 Post

 Intention Definition & Exploration of Ideas: At the beginning of the year my friend had so many ideas for cool video games, and in order to make them he needed people to help him. He needed someone to model general assets, landscape, and characters, so thats pretty much where I came in. So in short I've been modeling video game assets for a start up company. First marking period I didn't get a whole lot done because of having computer problems at home. So I came into this marking period waiting for PC parts so i could build a new PC and hopefully have a way better performance.

Planning: For planning I had to come up with general assets that would be needed in all games so I needed things like wooden crates, shipping containers, and barrels, theres a lot more but those are just the first things that come to mind. I knew I would need to make characters and landscapes but I needed to wait for our concept art for those things. There would also be the issue of me using some programs that are windows only, for instance the character modeling program I use. Now this wouldn't be a problem for anyone but me, (I'll get to that later). Of course another thing that I would need to do is the UV texture map, unless we get someone whose actually good at that.

Production: For production I had been working on assets like containers, boxes, and gasoline for a few weeks until I had actually got concept art and descriptions for characters and landscape. The first character drop was in a game called Bio-Ops which will be an FPS zombie tactical shooter. There were a lot of characters to look through since he added all the descriptions at the same time. Because there was no concept art I had to come up with what I thought they would look like with the descriptions I was given. The first character I decided to look at was an American survivalist named Maverick who makes makeshift grenades. So in my head I thought he would look like probably mid 20's dirt and scars over his face, skinny, probably not any heavy protective armor or anything. maybe a gas mask on his hip. These were just some of the ideas of how I pictured him. After coming up with all that I went into my character creator program to at least make his facial features. once I had his facial features I decided to just give him a basic outfit and worry about his outfit later. Everything was going alright which should have been a red flag, because I'm Brendan. and when something goes well life's usually just trying to reassure me before kicking me when I'm down.

Evaluating: So when I decided to finish the outfit for Maverick my laptop finally committed seppuku. The only thing on the bright side was that I was already going to get a new PC and had already backed up my necessary files onto a flash drive. Other than that it was about as good as brushing your teeth and then chugging an entire gallon of orange juice. because of this I was "kinda" halted in my work until I get my new PC and build it.

Integrating: I like making these characters for Bio-Ops, so I'll definitely focus on making them once my PC is built. another thing I could probably get to is texturing some of the assets I had created. Another thing is that I need to start doing maps, which I originally wasn't good at but hopefully after getting practice in blender after the major update and my hiatus from modeling. I'm hoping once my PC is done I'll be able to get a lot more work done.


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