Work Log 2/15

 This week I decided to work on the jerry can again. Like I mentioned last time I was working on it before but didn't like how it looked so I restarted. It's pretty much done now, all it needs is to be smoothed out and textured. I'm pretty happy with the outcome of the jerry can this time. It looks realistic and it looks like it could belong anywhere its placed. I know I didn't get much done this week but the slow pace should finally end and I can start to be more efficient on my projects.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that all of the downloads I need for my PC have finished, as well as my family went back home. So I shouldn't have anything to stall my work after this week.

Work Log:

Monday: Spent time with family

Tuesday: Family Left

Wednesday: Day off

Thursday: Began body of Jerry Can

Friday: Added nozzle and handle


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