Work Log 2/28

 After watching the video on UV unwrapping I realized just how much I had missed from the whole 2.8 update. It really inspired me to look up the whole tutorial for that chair, I felt like I needed a refresher in the new Blender. I had only really worked in 2.7 thus far and I was still getting used to 2.9 and the whole rework. There were still so many new shortcuts and just new features in general that I didn't know. I looked back on the work I did this year and have come to realize that maybe all the pauses and technical problems weren't the only thing slowing me down. I feel like half the time I was modeling I was looking up the new hot keys or newer ways to do something. At this point I decided it was for the best that I followed that whole tutorial.

I didn't get too far into the tutorial yet, I'm still on part 3. But I think I'm learning a lot more about the new Blender format  than I was when I was just self teaching. I'm glad I actually decided to go through with this tutorial, because honestly it does feel a lot better than 2.7 Blender and I wish I wasn't so intimidated by 2.8. If I had been using 2.8 I wouldn't be having this problem right now an I would have been past this point right now.


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