End of MP3 Review

 After seeing my classmates work mostly being finished or in its last stages it inspired me to finish what I had left. One of my big inspirations for this marking period was Brady. Like last marking period our goals this marking period are similar where we are trying to finish our project from mp2. He was making a big halo-star wars inspired star cruiser. He had finished his ship this marking period after 3 whole marking periods of work and because of his determination and capability of handling the repetitive parts I look up to him. I aspire to be like him in where I can stay determined and do the hard parts without being too discouraged.
Another person I learned from was Aiden, He was having trouble with timing and couldn't get everything he wanted with the schedule he was working with. Because of how the days were going he had to remove some of what he wanted to be able to meet his time schedule. This reminded me that the world doesn't always go how you want it and you'll have to improvise at some points.

The last person I want to talk about is Caleb. Caleb has started a new model where he makes a League of Legends character. I choose this because his project reminds me a lot of how I made a game character the other marking period. But unlike me he had used blender which I thought was cool. He had used what he knew and it turned out good.


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