Pendulum Reflection

I think I did good on the transitions of the camera, because although it wasn't seen the walls moved as the camera moved to get a better view of the set. Classmates said that my idea for the pendulum was cool. I think I need to improve on my set design to make a nicer set than one room with no door or connection to the outside. My classmates suggested that I improve on my camera angles, to make more emphases on my pendulum. I believe i'm good at making camera transitions and key frames, but i'm not as good at set design and the camera angles. I can improve on set design by putting more time and thought into it, and i could do better in camera angles by memorizing what affect they all have on the scene. I can get stronger in camera transitions by making more transitions to get practice, and i can get stronger in key framing by calculating every movement by the second to get a perfect realistic motion.


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