End of Marking Period Blog #1

End of Marking Period 1 Blog Post

Intention Definition & Exploring of Ideas:

Image result for frag grenade

I grew up around the idea of war and weaponry. Both my grandfathers served in the military. One in the Navy and one in the Air Force. Their stories were always so interesting, crazy, and  intense, they always caught my interest. Because of all the stories I heard guns soon became something of interest to me. Because of this I've decided to put my focus and attention into realistic modeling. I want to work on weaponry and equipment. Things like guns, swords, and equipment used by armed forces, like grenades, breaching charges, or combat knives.


Image result for r 301When I was planning I had thought about my interests in guns and war. That inspired me to decide to make a gun. The harder part was coming up with what to make. I had already had some ideas of what guns I want to model, but the gun I decided to make was an R-301 from a game called Apex Legends. I choose this gun because it is one of my favorites in the game and I love the look of it. The R-301 has a very nice look to it and if I want to model a gun I want to start off with something I really like the look of.


During production I started off with an orthographic side view of the R-301 and got the verts in place. After about a week of getting the 2D model of the R-301. The next week I got to work on turning the 2D model into a 3D model. This was the hardest part because of how the parts all had a different lengths, widths, and heights, so I had to extrude each part differently from another. Once I had the 3D model ready it was time to make all the curves and other details I had left out. Lastly I have yet to do this, but I have to put a material on it and give it a background.


Evaluating my work I had problems with making the 2D model to 3D because of the gun not being a cube. All the different parts of the R-301 are different shapes and sizes causing it to take longer to model because of it. Most of the trouble in that area was caused from the stock and trying to get it to look as 3D as it does in the end result.


I can integrate how we learned about mean creases a couple years ago into the R-301 for sharper edges. For this model I used nodes and mirror modifiers. I can integrate things I've learned from making this model into another model like how I used nodes and mirror modifier to make my model look better. I can integrate all of these into a future model to improve its look and design. 



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