Work Log 10/6

This week I was thinking about camera angles. I can use camera angles to display my work. I can also use camera angles to give my work emphasis on certain parts. The camera angle shows the people looking at what you made what you want them to see. This makes it one of the most important aspects of modeling. Without good camera angles the audience can be shown too much or too little at a time. They could be shown the bad parts of a model by accident. Or they could be shown parts of a model that are insignificant. For example of a bad camera angle. Think of when you take a selfie, you want them to look as good as possible, you don't want a bad camera angle that puts emphasis on a part of you you don't like.
Image result for r-301 down sight
For my own camera angles I could show a certain part of what i'm working on, like in my R-301 I could put emphasis on the magazine. I could use the view from looking down the sight. Or I could have it at an over the shoulder angle. There's also birds eye view to show how some of the parts are more extruded than others. I could also use things like long shot, medium shot, and close up shot, to show certain parts of the R-301. There are many options for camera angles.

Monday - began converting 2D to 3D

Tuesday - worked on 2D to 3D

Wednesday - more working on 2D to 3D

Thursday - even more work on 2D to 3D

Friday - yeah, even more 2D to 3D

Pictures cited in order they appear
1. (no citation)


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