End Of Marking Period Blog #2

End of Marking Period 2 Blog Post

Intention Definition & Exploring of Ideas:
Project my friend asked for 
After finishing my R-301 that I had been working on I decided that for this marking period I wanted to start creating my own weapons in Photoshop as reference images for later projects and see where my mind could take me. After finishing my first 2d reference image my friend asked me to edit a video for him. I liked doing it and decided I wanted to dabble in editing on Premiere Pro as well.


For my planning I had looked through multiple different real guns and found the ones I liked most. Then thought of the best ways to put different guns together. I had gotten an idea to combine my 2 favorite weapons together, the M4A1 and the MP5. And later for my side project in premiere pro I had to look for videos I wanted to change. I had been playing MW2 at the time and thats where I decided to edit the ending of MW2.


For producing I took the pictures of the guns I wanted into Photoshop. Then I edited the pictures and merged the guns together into a new weapon. For the editing in Premiere Pro I had gotten a video of the ending of MW2 and put it into Premiere. I had decided I wanted to put sounds in it to make it funny and stupid. I went on the internet and found different audio sound effects and clips. I layered the sounds in and made small changes to the original video.

This Video Has Swearing and Violence
Probably Not School Appropriate, But Hey
I Mean It's From A COD Game What
Did You Expect. 


Problems I had with my projects were in taking time having to learn the keys and the creating in Premiere Pro and Photoshop. I had a little bit of experience in these before this marking period, but that was all the simple stuff and not anything a little more advanced. While working in these I also had problems in finishing, because I had always felt the need to add more and the thought that they were never ready.


I can integrate what I have learned In this marking period into other projects by using the newly acquired skills on these platforms to improve on other editing I might do in the future. Maybe even just improving some of my 3d models or animations I make in blender.

Finished R-301:


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