Work Log 2/2

Image result for yoda vs palpatineI've officially started my new edit for the Battle of Mustafar. so far I've had to find multiple videos of the scene and edit it together to have the entire scene from the movie. It took some time to find all the right frames where I needed to combine the separate videos. Now I have the entire scene how it appears in the movie. Since in the movie the Battle of Mustafar happens alongside Yoda and Palpatine's fight, I also had to remove the Yoda and Palpatine fight because that's not what I'm working on. I got rid of that scene, so now it's only the Battle of Mustafar. After I finally got the scene correct, I decided that it would finally be a good time to start actually looking for parts I could change. Because of how much editing I had to do to actually get the whole scene I wanted, I didn't have a whole lot of time to find good edits I could make. So I've made it my homework to watch Revenge of the Sith this weekend to find voice lines I could edit in.


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