Work Log 11/22

 This week I was able to check out Daz3d and all of its creator content. Like I said last post Daz3d has a creator page where you can upload all your stuff kind of like blendswap for blender. I decided to get some of the free creator content just to mess around with. Since there's weekly freebees I got all of them to mess around with, just to see if I like the program.

After placing the 'Basic Male' model that was provided by the 'Genesis Starter Essentials' I decided I would look into the clothing that was provided in all of these starter packs to make a character. The way that it works is that there's certain things that work for certain models and Its mostly drag and drop. I was able to add clothes and hair to the model and the render actually doesn't look that bad.

This was surprisingly easy for a character model, granted I used starter pack items. There is characters, Clothing, Hair, Landscape, Lighting, Posing, Shaders, etc. But altogether it is a good program and it can be used for all sorts of character models.


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