End of MP2 Review

 After seeing all of the work my classmates have been doing has really got me excited for what I can work on in the future. One person I learned a lot from was Lance. Lance has been working on models for CVTV and game assets, much like myself making game assets. I had a lot of technical problems throughout the first and second marking period, but I will have a new PC soon. And after seeing Lance's work with his particular style of modeling has sort of inspired me on what I should strive for.

Another student I look towards is Brady. Brady has a lot of similarities with me in what we do. As well as what we weren't able to do. Brady was working on a battleship style model and ran into scheduling problems. I really felt like I could relate to how he wasn't exactly happy with his time schedule, not because he wasn't good enough for his schedule but because of outside factors taking his time from him. I can relate to that because of my laptop having hardware issues and not working. Even though Brady didn't get as much as he wanted done he's still proud of what he has done, and thats what I respect most about him. No matter what goes wrong he can still work past it and be happy with the good work he's done. Thats why in a certain way I look up to him (other that the immense height difference between us). The one thing I want to learn from him the most is to be proud of what I've done, even when I don't get all of it done in the time I want. 

Lastly I want to mention Aiden. Even though I'm a modeling student and he's a film student I want to give credit where credit is due. Much like Brady and I he had scheduling problems, but he persevered. When he hit a roadblock in his work and had to physically stop working on a certain project, he made a small side project and put his all into it until he could resume his main work. I want to be able to manage my projects like him. I want to be able to switch to smaller projects when I cant work on a larger one. And I admire his perseverance throughout this marking period.


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